Buena Park Sales Tax Measure R

Rents Are Skyrocketing
Buena Park Sales Tax Measure R

Bad for renters
Renters you cannot afford more rent increases, more inflation, more debt, and becoming homeless.

Do not add to higher costs and increase the high cost of living!

Housing Costs Increasing
Buena Park Sales Tax Measure R

Bad for homeowners
Homeowners if you run into money problems, go into deep debt, fall into ill health... you will still have to pay this tax!

Do not add more taxes to your daily spending!

Cost Of Living Rising
Buena Park Sales Tax Measure R

Bad for customers
Consumers do you want to see even higher prices at the grocery stores and gas stations?

Utility costs rising, inflation increasing... it is becoming unaffordable to live here.

Do not add to inflation and high cost of living...

Buena Park Residents
Buena Park Measure R Sales Tax Measure

Vote NO Measure R!

  • Inflation is out of control.
  • This tax is on toilet paper, Lysol disinfectant, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer...
  • The price of food, meat, store goods, and medical expenses are all skyrocketing!
  • Bad time for a tax increase!
Instead of taxing necessities we need spending reform to eliminate the need for extra taxes so we have even more money for safety services, community services, street repair, etc.

Buena Park Businesses
Buena Park Measure R Sales Tax Measure

Vote NO Measure R!

  • Businesses are taking out loans just to stay open.
  • Higher prices hurts locally-owned retailers and restaurants.
  • People will just shop elsewhere making things even worse.
  • Don't add taxes to toilet paper, Lysol disinfectant, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer...
Businesses are closing forever... Let's don't make things worse for them.

Save Money, Live Better
Buena Park Measure R Sales Tax Measure

Vote NO Measure R!

  • Cap city employee salaries. Too many are earning over $200k per year!
  • Eliminate lifetime pensions. Enroll city employees in social security, 401k, and IRA plans just like the private sector offers.
We all want what is best for Buena Park but a sales tax is not the answer. Buena Park can do better at reducing the biggest expenses.

Stop The Tax
Buena Park Measure R Sales Tax Measure

Vote NO Measure R!
Increasing taxes without major spending reform is like signing up for more credit cards when you have a spending problem.

Buena Park can save tens of millions of dollars a year and create a surplus almost immediately without raising more taxes.

Stop Overspending
Buena Park Measure R Sales Tax Measure

Vote NO Measure R!

  • Giving city hall more of your money will not solve their overspending problem.
  • If the tax passes the money can be used for paying outrageous salaries, increases in pension benefits, excessive overtime, etc.
This tax is a general tax that goes into the general fund. Don’t be misled! It will not be earmarked for a specific purpose like they want you to believe.

A sales tax takes money from your pocket and gives it to those that don't needed it.

What You Can Do
Buena Park Measure R Sales Tax Measure Vote NO Measure R!

  • Stop the tax increase on internet purchases, toilet paper, Lysol disinfectant, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer...
  • Reject this bad idea and let's demand spending reform instead.
  • Vote NO on the sales tax increase!
  • Tell your friends and neighbors to vote NO!
Vote no on this sale tax measure, support spending reform, and support the people and businesses of Buena Park.

Buena Park Measure R Sales Tax Measure

Buena Park Measure R sales tax measure proposes to take money from renters, homeowners, and customers and give it to the city of Buena Park, California.

The Buena Park Measure R sales tax measure would bringing the total sales tax rate in Buena Park to 9.25% one of the highest in Orange County.

Buena Park Measure R sales tax measure will hurt renters, homeowners, and local businesses like it has done in all other Orange County cities.

The Buena Park Measure R sales tax measure is a general tax with the money going into the general fund and the spending would be done without any safeguards so the money would be spent any way the city council wants just like the rest of the money in the general fund. This means the money taken away from taxpayers would be spent incorrectly like the rest of the general fund.

West Orange County Taxpayers Association

Cypress Anaheim Buena Park Sales Tax Measure R Westminster Garden Grove La Palma Sales Tax Measure Los Alamitos Sales Tax Increase Measure Y Fullerton Sales Tax Increase Measure S
Magnolia Elementary School Bond Measure Cypress Elementary School Bond Measure Savanna Elementary School Bond Measure Anaheim Elementary School Bond Measure Centralia Elementary School Bond Measure Los Alamitos Unified School District Bond Garden Grove Unified School District AUHSD 2024 Bond Measure K